Friday, February 17, 2017

Teddy Bear Day

They students had so much fun with their Teddy Bears today. We measured them, read and compared 2 teddy bear stories, and did gummy bear addition. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Career Centers

This week we had Career centers. The students got to practice a number of jobs including: vet,farmer,cartoonist, and spy. A big thank you goes out to Mrs. Weston who put it all together for us!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Mr. Van

As I am sure you have heard we have had a new visitor in our classroom. His name is Mr. Van and boy are the students excited that he is here! Mr. Van is a former Addison student . He is currently a high school senior working on a graduation project. He will be volunteering in our classroom 4 days a week for the last few hours of the day. He has already jumped right in. The students love having him as their reading partner during Daily 5 time. He will be helping students will remediation , reading, and incorporating technology into the classroom. We are lucky to have this opportunity. Ask you child about Mr. Van today!