Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Reflections Contest
Are you an incredible dancer? An insanely skilled filmmaker?
Are you great at capturing the perfect image in a photograph?
Are you intensely musical or an awesome illustrator?
Then consider entering the PTSA’s Reflections Contest.
Each year the PTSA sponsors an arts contest designed so that you can showcase your talents in one of six artistic areas:
Dance choreography, Film production, Literature, Musical Composition, Photography and Visual Arts
All you have to do is submit an original piece in one of the six categories that is inspired by the theme:
“Let Your Imagination Fly”
That piece will be judged at the school level and the winners in each category will receive award certificates and medals. Winning pieces will then be submitted to the county and or state level for further judging.
Pick up a packet for further information on the categories, rules and entry forms. Don’t delay-projects are due by October 14th.
For a look at last year’s winners, please go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA4KNZs5VuA
For further detail please visit:

We hope you will try and let your imagination fly!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Grandparent's Day

Thank you so much to our wonderful grandparent readers! The students had such a good time hearing you read and your funny stories! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to come in and spend time with us.

In the science lab this week we continued to learn about tools to measure the weather. This week we made thermometers and practiced reading real thermometers.

In class we focused on the water cycle and created one of our own.

Friday, September 4, 2015

We Made it Rain!

This week we did a super fun and easy experiment in class this week. We made it rain! All you need is a clear cup,water,shaving cream,and food coloring. First he students filled up the cup with water. Then I added their "cloud". Next each student took turns dropping 1 drop of coloring in at a time until  the water droplets got so heavy they had to drop out. That is how you make it rain!

Next week we will focus on the water cycle and types of precipitation.