Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Today in the Science Lab were stated to learn about magnets. The students rotated through centers and learned about how magnets attract and repel things. They had a great time! At home you can help them learn more. BrainPop Jr.  has a great video. I'm sure they would love to experiment more at home. Just be sure to remind them that we do not place magnets on electronics!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Science Lab

This week in the Science Lab the students were challenged to use materials to keep their duck dry. They worked with partners to create and execute a plan to build a shelter for their rubber duck. The shelter had to keep the duck dry. The students had so much fun!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Landform Cookies

The students had so much fun showing various landforms on their cookies. Thank you so much for your donations. See if you can spot their landforms in the pictures below. They were asked to show at lest 3. Most of them showed all 6!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Red Ribbon Week Coming Up

Red Ribbon Week Theme: Happy, Healthy, Making Good Choices!
October 17-21, 2016
Red Ribbon Week is a national event that promotes drug awareness and prevention each year. At Addison, we use this week to encourage our students to make healthy choices. We hope you will support us in celebrating happy, healthy choices at home! J
Monday – “Make a pledge Monday!” to live a healthy life – Eat veggies & fruit  At the start of this nationally recognized Red Ribbon Week – Students will receive Red Ribbon Week ribbons/pencils to show that they pledge to live a healthy life! Fruits and vegetables make you feel better and improve memory so eat veggies and fruit every day! They are great snacks!
Tuesday – “Tell a joke Tuesday!” Laugh today!  Research shows that laughter reduces stress. Share a joke with your class and with your family today.
Wednesday – “Wear Red Wednesday!”  Wear red to support a healthy life!
Thursday – “Thirsty Thursday!”  Water quenches your thirst, keeps you cool, cleans out toxins in your body, and keeps your energy up! Skip sugary drinks, Drink Water!
Friday – “Fantastic Fitness Friday!”  Exercise your body today and every day because we know that exercise does a body good! Make recess a special time today. Organize a game with another class. Choose a family activity that gets you moving as you kick off the weekend!