Fairy Tale day was so much fun! Thanks for all of the supply donations. The kids heard 4 stories and had an activity in each of the second grade rooms. Mrs. Gerber read Stone Soup and the kids enjoyed tasting some. In our room the students watched The Princess and the Pea Then they tasted at least 2 pea and did an art project. In Mrs. Keith's room they saw Hansel and Gretle, then made their own candy house. Ms. Burdett read the Fisherman's Wife . The students made a magic fish and enjoyed a fishy and delicious snack.
Our trip to the Fire Safety House was not only fun but very educational. Students practiced climbing out of a bedroom window,they learned how to stop,drop,and roll, and learned how to stay safe on a bike and at the pool. Please make sure you have discussed an escape plan and decided on a family meeting place in case of a fire.
There are a few important upcoming events:
May 2st-Gator Gala
May 9th-Market Day