Friday, March 14, 2014

Shades of Meaning

You may have heard your child mention shades of meaning this week and wondered what they were talking about. We are expanding our vocabulary and trying to come up with many words for a verb. For example:jump,bounce,hop,leap,bound. Practicing this will help to improve writing as well.

In the science lab we created our own sundials. They actually work-just make sure the N is always pointing North. Also from the science lab, we have 2 new class pets bullfrog tadpoles we named Jackie and Jimmy. We will observe them to see how they grow and change. This is a great preview for our life cycle unit.

Report cards will be send home next wee. Please look for them in your child's take home folder.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

February Fun

February has come and gone! It was a quick and busy month. In class we have studied fractions, the sun and moon, opinion writing, possessive nouns, and solving word problems. Wow!

In the Science Lab the students created a delicious diagram of the moon phases out of Oreos!

In class we used cookies to show what we learned about fractions.

Seems like cookies were popular this month. For opinion writing we used Oreos to remember the elements that need to be included in our writing pieces. The students are asked to double stuff their writing so it is full of details.

Possessive nouns can be tricky. Especially since we just studied contractions. Have your child be on the look out for possessive nouns when they read and write. Ask them to explain "whose".

Coming up in math... more word problems! This time it is with parts unknown. The students will use the strategies we have previously worked on to solve word problems with missing addends.

Thanks again for all of the flowers, cards, treats, and supplies. You are so thoughtful and generous. I appreciate you too!