Friday, September 21, 2012

Fact Families

In math we have started learning addition and subtraction strategies. This week we focused on fact families. Learning the communicative property of addition.Students were asked to choose a fact family to represent in their house and to create both an addition and subtraction word problem to match. They evaluated and reflected upon their work. Check out our Fact Family Neighborhood!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Next week we will learn our last component of the Daily 5. It is Listening to Reading. There are two helpful websites that support this. They are BookFlix and Pebble Go. Both of these sites require a user name and password to access them from home. You child may use both of these sites to count towards their daily reading time for homework as well.

For BookFlix
user name- addisonsch
password- bookflix

For Pebble Go
user name- cobb
password- bird

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Matter Part 2

We have had a lot of fun learning about matter. This week we played a matter game. Students identified  states and properties in order to color in the box. The person with the most boxes colored in the end won! A copy was sent home if you would like a chance to play too. The Science Lab came to us this week. The students made ice cream. I am sure you heard all about it! Thanks to the many volunteers who helped out. It was great having you in the classroom. Today we made slime. We had to decide what state of matter it was and prove it. We also described its properties.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Homework has started this week. Please look for it in your child's backpack. Homework consists of a reading log, reading response, spelling practice, and math sheets. Spelling words can be found in your child's agenda. They are to be practiced 3 ways. The choices for practice are located in the cover of the homework notebook sent home today.Spelling practice should be recorded in this notebook. Reading is 20 minutes a day.Reading to your child can be part of this time.I also encourage you to have your child read to you! Math is a review of skills previously taught. Students should be able to complete this on their own or with a little help as needed.  Please remind your child to be neat and careful when completing their work. Also check their work as they finish. Thank you for your support. Remember homework is due on Friday!